
Top 10 Countries With The Highest Suicide Rates In The World – Top 10 Suicide rates by country – List of countries by suicide rate – World suicide rates by country

 Top 10 Countries With The Highest Suicide Rates In The World Top 10 Suicide rates by country – List of countries by suicide rate – World suicide rates by country

Mental health issues have emerged as a major burden in today's society and this is increasingly recognised by government policy-makers; cutting down on suicides and mental illness requires urgent national attention

Suicide is still a deeply stigmatized crime in most of the world's societies. Suicide rates are rising in all areas of the world, including Europe and North America, with the exception of Southeast Asia and South America. Suicide is a frequently misunderstood and causes great suffering, particularly in immigrant communities. Insecure living systems/Society influences push people to kill themselves. This is especially true for immigrants who enter Western societies with limited physical capacity, ethnic background and leaving residence for economic reasons.

The main reasons behind the problem include economic difficulties, substance abuse, and mental illness. Here are the top 10 countries with the highest suicide rates in the world of Top10theworld.com, and some of them will surprise you by making it to this list.

More at: https://top10theworld.com/top-10-suicide-rates-by-country/

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